Dear SOTE grads, you have been formed at SBC for God’s work during a time of worldwide upheaval and suffering. Though the ‘new normal’ of ministry in this world is still emerging, always remember that “God’s word is not chained” (2 Tim 2:9) and can never be stopped by any lockdown. Paul trusted that the precious truth already been planted in Timothy would continue its powerful work even though he would never be free again. Go and plant likewise!?
Rev. Dr. Jerry Hwang
Dean, School of Theology (English)
Go into the world with the gospel of peace
A song from the heart, to every listener, it leaves
A sense of the Master, Lord over all
In song, glory or lustre; we, at his feet will fall
Serve just like Jesus did in life, in song and creed
For his presence, he had promised thus
Into his hands, gladly surrender and trust
Go into the world, with his gospel of peace
Dr. Joseph Lee
Dean, School of Church Music
As you minister to others, may you exemplify the listening heart of Mary, the hardworking hands of Martha, the warmth of John the beloved, and the passion of Paul the apostle—not to an ideal level but in a continuum of learning from the Lord and sowing love into the lives of many who are lonely and in need.
Dr. Linda Bubod
Dean, School of Counselling
愿主耶稣成为你服事的榜样,成为你重担下的喜乐。 你的话语是帮助的种子,你的祷告是撒旦的失败。 愿你永远不忘记:你是上帝的仆人。
You have fought against all odds and accomplished the nearly impossible. Congratulations on your graduation! May you become increasingly good, faithful, and sensible, be sober in all situations, and do the work of an evangelist, for the benefit of many and the approval of our gracious Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr. Benjamin Wu
Director, Master of Theology programme
Hearty congratulations as you finish your SBC journey through the valley of the pandemic! As you travel into still uncertain times, may the Great Shepherd protect and keep you, strengthen you daily, sustain you to serve him faithfully, and fill each day with his joy and love!
Rev. Dr. Samuel Law
Senior Dean, Academic Affairs
各位能在疫情幽谷之中完成了新神之旅, 为此我献上由衷的恭贺!遥望前路虽仍充满不定, 愿我主大牧保护你, 天天加添力量于你, 使你能忠心的服事祂, 并得享天赐之乐与爱!
You are a unique batch of SBC graduates. Most of your SBC community life was spent in a pandemic mode, but we are glad that you also had a little taste of the pre-pandemic and endemic SBC community life. May these experiences bring out a more resilient and able servant for Christ. The world needs you to show them that with Christ, we can overcome.
Rev. Dr. Grace Tan
Senior Dean, Student Formation
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A quarterly newsletter?that responds to socio-cultural challenges from a biblical worldview.
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