Designed for Passionate Ministry Leaders & Congregants

Driven by SBC’s passion for nurturing effective church leadership, the Centre for Servant Leaders is thrilled to launch the Certificate of Church Ministry (CCM) program. This program is tailored to equip you, our valued lay leaders and members, with the vital ethos and skills needed to make a meaningful impact in your church and beyond.

Our modules are led by seasoned practitioner-theologians actively involved in churches or para-church organizations or our very own faculty members of SBC. All modules are audit-only, with no academic prerequisites nor exams. Participants can choose to enrol in the full program for a certificate or choose to take individual modules according to their interests.

So who is CCM catered for? We believe they are passionate individuals regardless of any formal theological educational background, including ministry leaders, young professionals and believers who are called to any ministries and services.

Group Discount Available

Unlock the Savings: Enjoy our exclusive group discount!

  • Group of 3 and above: Get 20% off each registration.
  • Group of 10 or more: Take advantage of an exceptional discount of 50% on every registration.?

Enquiries for

For enquiries, you may use the form above or send an email to

Jan-Jun 2025 Modules

Module Fee per person
Local S$109.00
Overseas (certain countries) S$54.50

One-time Application fee: S$21.80. All fees are inclusive of 9% GST.


Each module lasts 16 hours, spreading over either

  1. Eight weeks (2 hours weekly, from 7:30-9:30 pm) or
  2. Intensive basis (e.g. 4 Saturdays, 4 hours weekly, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm)

To graduate with the Certificate of Church Ministry (CCM), students need to

  1. Complete 8 modules, 3 core and 5 elective modules
  2. Achieve 75% attendance in each of the eight modules

Applicants should

  1. be a born-again Christian and member of good standing in his/ her church
  2. fulfill the module pre-requisites if any

Applicants may also register for any module without having to enrol in the CCM programme.

Unlock Savings: Enjoy our exclusive group discount!
Group of 3+: 20% off each registration.
Group of 10+: 50% off per registration.

For group registration, module selection must be consistent:

  • Local 3-9 S$87.20 per pax / Overseas (certain countries) S$43.60 per pax
  • Local 10 & above S$54.50 per pax / Overseas (certain countries) S$32.70 per pax

One-time Application fee is free.
All fees are inclusive of 9% GST.

How it works

  1. Form Your Group: Gather 3+ learners with shared interests. Fill out the attached ‘Group Registration Form.’
  2. Choose Your Module: Select one module that aligns with your goals or ministry needs.
  3. Register Together: Select ‘group registration‘ and submit the completed ‘Group Registration Form.’

Mode of Payment

  • Debit/Credit Card (Local or International)
  • PayNow (For Local)
  • WeChat Pay

Additional details will be provided on the registration form.

Available via


Study in person.


Zoom session at the scheduled time.


Attend classes either in person or via Zoom at the designated time.


Watch videos at your own pace and discuss online with a tutor.

Closing date for registration: 22 Mar, 2025


Addiction or overzealousness?

The course aims to discuss the following:

  • What is addiction?
  • What is the difference between substance and process addiction?
  • How do we support those who struggle with addiction?

Mr. Norman Ang

After graduating with a master’s degree in counselling from SBC in 2013, Mr. Norman Ang worked as a counsellor for various VWO’s before setting up his own private practice, Faith Counselling LLP. Norman is a registered counsellor and supervisor with the Singapore Association for Counselling and currently serves as a Deacon in his church, Leng Kwang Baptist Church.

Closing date for registration: 5 Apr, 2025



Revelation provides an overview of history from the death and resurrection of Christ to the coming of the new Jerusalem. While we do not know when Christ will return, and should never fix any date, Revelation reveals that certain events must take place such as the rise of the Antichrist and the False Prophet before his return.

Rev. Cheng Eng Hwa

Rev Cheng Eng Hwa served as a pastor since 1986 in various churches. His passion is to guide believers to grow deeper in intimacy with God and to teach the Word.

Closing date for registration: 1 Feb, 2025


Introduction to Biblical Preaching

This 16-hour introductory course seeks to equip participants for
expository preaching. It is designed specially to guide lay-preachers who
have no or little prior training, through a step-by-step process of sermon crafting. Participants will have the opportunity to practice what they learn through a short sermon (whether through a manuscript or a presentation), with constructive coaching and feedback.

Ps. Dr. Beh Soo Yeong

Pastor Beh Soo Yeong (D.Min, Asbury) serves as the Lead Pastor of The Bible Church, Singapore. He and his wife, Annie, have two children Timothy and Priscilla, and a daughter-in-law Juanita.

Closing date for registration: 11 Jan, 2025


Elementary Hebrew 2

Studying biblical Hebrew allows us to read the Old Testament in its
original language, providing insights into nuances that may not be fully
captured in translation and opening a window into the culture and
worldview of ancient Israel. Students will learn to read and translate basic Hebrew phrases in this course.

This is the second course in a series of four Elementary Biblical Hebrew
classes. It is open to those who have completed Elementary Biblical
Hebrew 1 or anyone with a basic understanding of biblical Hebrew.

Ms. Janis Lim

Ms. Janis Lim graduates with a Master of Divinity (MDiv, Biblical Studies) in May 2024. Having experienced the benefits of being able to read and understand the Bible in its original languages (Hebrew and Greek), she is eager to help others on this journey. Janis worships at Bethesda Frankel Estate Church.

Closing date for registration: 1 Dec, 2024


Elementary Hebrew 1

CCM is offering Elementary Hebrew 1 through 4 across four consecutive semesters. The upcoming Elementary Hebrew 1 is designed for those interested in learning Hebrew who have not yet started with Hebrew 1, allowing them to advance to Hebrew 2 in January. Don’t miss this chance—this series won’t be offered again until 2026! A textbook will be required for the entire Elementary Hebrew course series.

Ms. Janis Lim

Ms. Janis Lim graduates with a Master of Divinity (MDiv, Biblical Studies) in May 2024. Having experienced the benefits of being able to read and understand the Bible in its original languages (Hebrew and Greek), she is eager to help others on this journey. Janis worships at Bethesda Frankel Estate Church.

Recent & Upcoming PSF seminars

Church Partnerships

The Singapore Bible College is committed to making seminary education easily accessible and affordable for the church. If you’re looking for a Certificate Program to offer at your church as a part of your leadership development and disciple-making initiatives, then head over to our Church Partnerships Page now.