Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord!
I have been meditating on John chapter 13 for the past weeks and I would like to share with you some of my reflections especially regarding the full extent of God’s love in Christ, and the way he demonstrated this to his beloved disciples.
As I read of how Jesus disclosed the betrayal of Judas, I asked myself two questions: What would I do if I knew someone would betray me? What kinds of emotions would I have? Perhaps I would try and stop it from happening? Maybe I might relocate to another place? Or perhaps I might try and silence the individual? I might be scared if I am guilty? I might be angry if I am innocent or even if I am not innocent? I may attempt to cover up or retaliate?
John 13 begins by stating how Jesus demonstrated the full extent of his love for his disciples by washing their feet in the middle of the Passover meal, just prior to his arrest and crucifixion. Jesus taught his disciples an important lesson on servant-leadership, that he, their Lord and Master, stooped to wash their dirty feet, the most menial task that was assigned to servants. Jesus knowing all things and who it was who will betray him, did this amazing sacrificial act, as a prelude to his ultimate sacrifice – death on the cross.
Indeed Jesus knew all things! He became troubled in his spirit and told his disciples that one of them was to betray him! The disciples were shocked and troubled as well. In the Matthew account it records that each of them started asking him – “Lord, is it I?” including Judas!
In John’s account, Peter signaled to John who was seated on Jesus’ right side, to ask Jesus who it was. John did exactly that. Jesus replied that the one he dips the bread and gives, is the person who will betray him. Jesus then took the bread and dipped and handed it to Judas, who was seated next to him, the seat of honor! Jesus knew all things and he knew Judas would betray him yet he extended his love to Judas one more time! How loving Jesus was in giving Judas one more opportunity to come clean! I noted how gracious Jesus was in shielding/protecting Judas even as he gave him the bread. Jesus said, “go and do whatever you have to do quickly,” This gave the disciples the impression that perhaps Jesus was asking Judas to go out and buy something for the feast or give some money to the poor, as he was their treasurer. That is why Judas was not implicated. Only much later would the disciples realize that Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus!?
John records that when Judas took the bread, Satan entered him! The decision was made! Judas chose? the path of Satan and left the room, and “It was night” in more ways than one. Darkness had crept into Judas’s soul, and there was no turning back!
In recent times we have read of many Christian leaders who have also turned their backs on Jesus because of greed for money, power, fame and sexual pleasures and pervasion. They have made their choice just like Judas, and Satan has entered into their lives to “steal, kill and destroy.” Peter and the other 10, though initially disowned him and disserted him when the crunch came, would later be restored in fellowship with Jesus because they repented and returned to Jesus.?
This can happen to anyone of us if we do not stay connected to Jesus, have a posture of humility and always remain grateful to God for his great love and salvation.? Song that kept coming back to me during these reflections was – Your Grace Still Amazes Me!
My faithful Father,
Enduring Friend,
Your tender mercy like a river with no end,
It overwhelms me,
Covers my sin,
Each time I come into your presence,
I stand in wonder once again.
Your grace still amazes me,
Your love is still a mystery,
Each day I fall on my knees,
‘Cos your grace still amazes me!
Let us never stop being amazed at God’s grace! Let us be overwhelmed with his love daily! Let us enjoy his presence at all times and practice our love disciplines with Jesus, the Lover of our souls!
We serve together because of Calvary’s love,