SBC stands at a significant juncture in its history as we celebrate our 71st Founders’ Day under the theme, “The Bountiful Blessings of God Beyond 70 Years”. As we forge ahead, it is fitting that we reflect on the past—a practice rooted in biblical tradition (Heb 11).
I delved into SBC’s history. The founders, including CNEC, OMF, and the Singapore Chinese Christian Inter-Church Union, laid the foundation. Notable leaders and principals played pivotal roles. Our dedicated faculty, administrators, facility caretakers, and benefactors served as labourers for our Lord. Advocates who cheered SBC on were instrumental in our journey.
God’s providence brought not only people, but also resources and results. From its humble beginning with nine students, SBC’s enrolment now approaches 400. The first graduating class had six students; in April this year, we celebrated 107 graduates. Over the years, approximately 3,800 individuals have graduated, many becoming influential spiritual figures in various countries. SBC initially operated from temporary locations until God blessed us with the Adam Road campus. In the past seven years, annual donations have grown from $1.3 to $2.8 million.
Let us be profoundly grateful.
Our founders and past labourers may not have foreseen what SBC would become, but they worked diligently, passing the baton to the next generation. Their common fuel was faith.
While SBC has flourished, it hasn’t been without challenges. Today, we too face tests and demands—producing pastors to reach new generations, meeting costs that outstrip donations, and so on. But we must trust that God’s power will overcome these challenges. We will run the marathon for God’s kingdom and glory within our spheres of influence, relying on God’s bountiful supply. Let’s remember to do three things:
- Look to God, not focusing on one another. Recognize our human weaknesses and faults. Together, we can pool our strengths and help one another when stumbling occurs, ensuring SBC’s thriving.
- Work with God. Seek his guidance, pray for wisdom, and share his vision. Discard personal objectives that are misaligned with God’s plan.
- Take action. Faith should be accompanied by action. Stay open to God’s provision in a changing world. Connect with churches, alumni, the laity, and
benefactors to keep SBC relevant.
Let us raise our expectations for SBC and ourselves as we labour toward God’s grand plan. In faith, let us each play our part in his divine design.
This article has been adapted from Prof. Cheong’s address to the SBC community on our 71st Founders’ Day.