May–July 2023? |? Edifying the church & engaging the world? |? Quarterly dispatches
When I first enrolled in the MDiv, I felt inadequate yet excited to gain knowledge and receive training. Truly, I’ve developed wider perspectives, learnt skills, been liberated from rigidity, and more. I rejoice for what I have gained, but I am most grateful for who I am becoming in Christ throughout my course at SBC.
Upon reflection, I realized each semester was uniquely challenging and significant even as different lectures or assignments ministered to me. Every single semester from my very first to the final one was worthwhile! With God’s help, I hope to integrate whatever I’ve learnt: from theologizing to exegesis to a holistic approach in doing missions.
To my professors, friends, staff, and donors of SBC who made my learning journey meaningful and blessed: I am deeply grateful!
Thank you, SBC, for:
I needed training to continue walking the pilgrim’s journey; I thank God for leading me this way to receive it.
I came to SBC to develop and upgrade my skills, but God had a different plan. Throughout my journey, God has been there to redirect my thoughts from being about ME to more of HIM. The storms in life, uncertainties of the future, limitations of my abilities, and my insecurities drew my focus to him who has control over everything and reminded me that my ways are not his ways.
This change of mindset came through the community life at SBC. The genuine care, love, and humbleness of teachers and friends, and above all their love for our dear Lord exemplified in their daily lives showed me how important it is to have Christ at the centre and how he is magnified through our lifestyle. I began to accept my weaknesses and acknowledge that God is glorified in our weakness. All glory to God!
“My life is not my own, to you I belong …”—this song by William McDowell describes how God has been faithful, especially on my SBC journey. This journey has not been easy, with expected and unexpected moments where I sometimes wanted to give up. But during those difficult moments, God has been the ultimate anchor that sustains me and assures me he is with me. Indeed, “I cried to the Lord in my trouble, and he answered me” (Ps 120:1 NASB).
Coming to SBC, not knowing what would happen and how I could finish this race, I am grateful for having gained knowledge and being loved and cared for. I have been taught how to accept who I am in Christ, which helped me to have love and compassion for others. All the glory unto God!
神硕课程是否真如传闻中的会读到死去活来?神硕学生都是各自在阅读室书桌前“闭关潜修”吗? 刚进入课程时,我曾担心研究方向会否偏差,或挂虑未能跟上进度。但只过不久,我就兴奋地期待每一次课堂的到来,因为老师们有趣并充满启发性的教学,挑战了我固有的想法和偏见;又以言教和身教,引导我带着包容、谦卑和爱,为着人的需要终身从事研究。
My study at SBC indeed has been a refreshing and eye-opening journey.
It was a graceful journey. Studying while serving as a full-time minister created a special challenge for me. Only by God’s grace, could I finish this study. This experience confirms that God’s grace will always be sufficient for me throughout my ministry in the future.
It was an academic journey. Interactions with the professors and fellow students not only enriched my knowledge with new insights, but also encouraged me to become a lifelong learner.
It was a spiritual journey. This study helped me build a more intimate relationship with God, which in turn sharpened my vision to understand God’s heart for his church.
The Worship Hall was filled to a capacity not seen since the COVID pandemic began. But there was no lamenting over the loss of personal space. Instead, new and returning students excitedly greeted each other. Although we live in an ever-changing world marked by “VUCA” (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), Opening Chapel reminded us that “the Church’s One Foundation” is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Following chapel, the fellowship continued with group games and activities. Although the competition was fierce, the sense of community was firm and continued through lunch. The SBC community has stood strong, knowing that “the word of our God will stand forever” (Isa 40:8).
Matthew Lyle
SBC spent this month celebrating cultures and diversity, as well as broadening our vision for missions. We began with the International Fair, where students set up booths to introduce their cultures and signature food. The International Night that followed featured worship and performances led by different national fellowships. Throughout the month, the Thursday SBC Chapel had in-house preaching on the theme. Finally, each student participated in one mission exposure locally, from serving the elderly and prayer walks to visiting a special-needs school or culturally rich area. The activities allowed us to see how missions can be done in many forms and encouraged us to take part more readily in missional activities.
Zipporah Lau
This year, SOC’s English (SOC.E) and Chinese (SOC.C) sections ran 18 online sessions (13 and 5 sessions, respectively). We covered a vast range of topics from sexuality, addictions, and ministering to different life stages, to self-care and spiritual friendship. We thank God for participants from more than ten countries. Many of them shared that other than getting practical handles for life, they were able to translate what was taught back into their ministry. We pray that God will continue to use this platform as a channel of blessing to our potential students and our brothers and sisters in Asia and beyond.
Sylvia Chng
About 120 participants came online and onsite to hear Rev. Dr. Ng Liang Wei of Indigo & Co. speak on the topic of sexuality. He gave a clear grasp of the issues faced by sexual minorities and the need for churches to know how to relate with them. He then highlighted the four key areas of philosophy, practice, process, and public communications, and ended with a plea for churches to have a biblical perspective and embrace sexual minorities, understand their journey without judging them, learn the process of care, and help them integrate into the church family. Participants felt more educated and enlightened to handle this area in their respective churches.
Dr. Richard Ong (Ps)
SBC hosted this first post-pandemic gathering of seminaries to “Connect through Sports, Build Friendship in Him; ALL and ONE for Christ.” The rain could not dampen the spirit of teams and supporters from SBC, Trinity Theological College, East Asia School of Theology, Baptist Theological Seminary, and Discipleship Training Centre. We all had fun competing and cheering in games such as five-a-side football, table tennis, electronic gaming, and more, as well as enjoying ice cream, candy floss, pastries, and Milo.
Toh Hooi Min
God is at work in and through SCM, transforming lives and ministries! In Sep 2022, the SBC Chorale and Canticorum presented the hymn festival “All Things New” under the baton of Dr. Joel Navarro. Stories, songs, Scriptures, silence, and sign language reminded us that God is still renewing all things and all people. In Mar 2023, they presented “Magnified: Tracing God’s Presence in All Circumstances”, a lecture concert of Baroque, Classical and contemporary music.
From Sep to Oct 2022, SCM alumni jointly organized with us the SBC Selah Webinar Series (Indonesia) “Wineskins: Old and New”. Thirteen speakers addressed post-pandemic worship, choirs, emotional health, and spiritual leadership. In Jun 2023, the Selah Retreat (Bangkok) “Skillful Hands and Upright Heart” will be organized with the Church Music Association (Thailand). The aim is to renew leaders and members by recovering, recommitting to, and representing God’s kingdom agenda for churches in Bangkok.
Finally, SCM has concluded its five-year partnership with Bandung Theological Seminary on a joint Master of Ministry (MMin) in Worship and Music Leadership. We testify to God’s transformative work for both seminaries and graduates. A new MMin in Music and Worship Leadership programme was launched in Jul 2022. God’s Word and work are so powerful that, during and after the first modules, the students already spoke of life and ministry transformation.
Dr. Myrleene Yap
神经科学家郑瑞光博士的课题是“大脑与记忆”及 “大脑与睡眠”。除了帮助与会者认识睡眠与记忆和情绪的关系外,也教导了六种帮助睡眠的实用方法。此外,罗明荣心理师详细地讲解透过视讯辅导的实务与伦理考量,让与会者了解视讯辅导的优势和限制,这确是一个与时并进的课题。
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A quarterly newsletter?that responds to socio-cultural challenges from a biblical worldview.
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May–Jul 2023 | Quarterly Dispatches