August–October 2023? |? Edifying the church & engaging the world? |? Quarterly dispatches
Rev. Dr. Clement Chia preached at 16 churches in Singapore and Malaysia, and conducted five sessions on “The Gospel and Cultural Renewal” at Logos Christian Church, two church retreats, and 16 sessions on “Discipleship” for SBC’s Centre of Servant Leadership. He also conducted leadership training for Haggai International’s Leadership Seminar (Chinese), Trinity Presbyterian Church (Muar, Johor), and Bethany Presbyterian Church. Finally, he presented on “The Enlightenment of Lin Yu-tang” at True Light Anglican Church, “Hospitality as Mission” at GoForth National Missions Conference 2023, and “The Nature of the Gospel” for CCCOWE.
Rev. Dr. Jerry Hwang (Dean and Associate Professor, School of Theology English) and Dr. Leonard Sidharta (Associate Professor, School of Theology Chinese) ended their service in Jun 2023 after serving faithfully at SBC for 13 years and 3 years, respectively. Dr. Hwang will continue to serve as an Affiliate Research Professor of SBC thereafter.
New Faculty
We warmly welcome Rev. Dr. Goh Tjung Seng Samuel back to SBC as our School of Theology (Chinese) full-time faculty member from 1 Jul 2023. Dr. Goh graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a PhD in the Old Testament.? ?
New Appointments
W.e.f. 1 Jul 2023, Dr. Lee Chee Chiew will be appointed as Vice Principal, Academic Affairs; Rev. Dr. Samuel Law will be appointed as Dean, Advanced Studies; Dr. Peter Ho will be appointed as Dean, School of Theology (English); and Dr. Chu Mei Chuan will be appointed as Dean, School of Counselling.
W.e.f. 1 May 2023, Dr. Calvin Chong has been promoted to Professor, School of Theology (English), and Dr. Lee Chee Chiew has been promoted to Professor, School of Theology (Chinese).
Dr. Cynthia Chang is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jul to 31 Dec 2023; Rev. Dr. Samuel Law is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jul to 31 Aug 2023; and Dr. Linda Bubod is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jul to 15 Sep 2023.
Book and Thesis Awards
With thanksgiving to our God, the College congratulates the Advanced Studies Department for receiving the 2022 Outstanding Theological Academic Research Work Award (Merit) and 2022 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award (Distinction) from the Rev. Dr. Lien-hwa Chou Memorial Foundation. For more information, see
Dr. Peter Ho contributed “The Macrostructural Design and Logic of the Psalter: An Unfurling of the Davidic Covenant” in Reading the Psalms Theologically, Studies in Scripture and Biblical Theology, edited by David M. Howard Jr. and Andrew J. Schmutzer (Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2023).
Rev. Dr. Chang Chian Hui was the key speaker for the two-day Marriage Retreat, “Cherish Each Other”, organized by Hope and Katong Presbyterian Churches.
Rev. Dr. Jerry Hwang published “From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings in Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians” in Journal of Global Christianity 8 (2023), available online at He was also interviewed about his book, Contextualization and the Old Testament, for the OnScript podcast (English) available at and the Missional Discipleship podcast (Chinese) available via Finally, he conducted a training session on contextualization for the Francophone missiology network of Europe (REMEEF).
Rev. Dr. Samuel Law presented on “Postpandemic Church on Mission” at the GoForth 2023 Symposium, gave a Sunday School series on “Engaging the Religious: Bridges and Barriers” for Queenstown Baptist Church, and served as a mentor at Arise Asia 2023 Youth Missions Conference in Bangkok. He was interviewed for the Missional Discipleship podcast as well.
Dr. Justin Lee released a patristics monograph based on his doctoral dissertation, Origen and the Holy Spirit (G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2023), and a journal article titled “Theology as Story: Reenvisioning the Task and Form of Theology in Asia with C. S. Song” in Practical Theology (2023). He also delivered a five-part lecture series on “Gospel, Christ, and Culture” for Logos Christian Church.
李志秋老师于英国剑桥全球基督教研究中心(Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide)发表了 〈“出来吧!”:亚洲基督徒于其处境中对启示录17~18章的宣教使命解读〉。
张心玮老师为Global Outreach 网络广播主讲创世记灵修信息;于新山迦拿基督教会带领士师记研经“尊祂为王:祂永不失败”;并在长老会恩泽堂武吉巴督聚会青成主日学进深班教导“整装待发:申命记”。
Dr. Myrleene Yap preached at International Evangelical Church Singapore.
Dr. Virginia Tsai and Dr. Yap spoke at a church music retreat for key music leaders of a tribe in Nagaland, India.
The SCM Faculty were the speakers at the three-day Selah Retreat in Bangkok. This event was co-organized by SBC, the Church Music Association (Thailand), and Wattana Church.
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A quarterly newsletter?that responds to socio-cultural challenges from a biblical worldview.
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Aug–Oct 2023 | Quarterly Dispatches
Income 收入 | |
01/04/2023–31/06/2023 | S$1,289,886 |
Expenditure 支出 | |
01/04/2023–31/06/2023 | S$1,390,703 |
Deficit for the quarter 本季不敷 | S$ 100,817 |
Financial Year 2023 Deficit (Unaudited) (01/07/2022–31/06/2023) 2023 财政年不敷 (未经审计) |
S$ 383,565 |