November 2024–January 2025? |? Edifying the church & engaging the world? |? Quarterly dispatches



A word from Principal
Upholding the Authority of the Bible: God Still Speaks

Rev. Dr. Clement Chia

When the authority and interpretation of the Bible came under fierce criticism from liberal theologians, the establishment of SBC in 1952 became a testament to upholding Scripture, rightly understood, as the authority for faith, life, and morality...

For church & society
When Scripture Alone Is Not Enough

Dr. Peter Ho

When the Sadducees came to Jesus to test him about resurrection, Jesus identified two fundamental things that the Sadducees failed to grasp: Scripture and power (Matt 22:29). The Sadducees were a small group of priestly elites in the upper...

Encouragement & exhortation
Is Your God Too Small?

Rev. Dr. Samuel Law

I’ve been reflecting on shame and guilt recently as I finish editing the book of papers from the Honor/Shame conference held last September at SBC. While shame and guilt are a normal part of the spiritual formation cycle, my wife...

For church & society
The Reign of the Smartphone

Dr. Daniel Yojin Ahn

I’ll be honest—I’ve done it. I wake up, and the first thing I reach for isn’t my Bible but my phone. And no, I’m not opening the Bible app. Instead, I’m checking WhatsApp, my emails, and the news feed. During meals, I often find myself pulling out my...

On partnering with SBC
Partnering to Support Our Students to Answer God’s Call

Rev. Dr. Grace Tan

Annually, SBC provides scholarships amounting to S$600,000, a sum that is growing along with living costs in Singapore. These scholarships enable students who need financial support to become theologically equipped and respond to God’s call to...






“他所赐的,有作使徒的,有作先知的,有作传福音的,也有作牧养和教导的, 为的是要装备圣徒,去承担圣工,建立基督的身体; 直到我们众人对 神的儿子都有一致的信仰和认识,可以长大成人,达到基督丰盛长成的身量……”(弗四11~13)上段经文清楚指出教会应帮助信徒认识...





News & Updates (Aug-Oct 2024)

Rev. Dr. Clement Chia preached at 12 local churches and four overseas churches, including at four SBC Sundays. He was invited to speak at several seminars and conferences, including on spiritual disciplines in academic administration to overseas co-workers, AI and faith at Logos Presbyterian Church Puchong, West Malaysia, gerontology in Singapore at True Light Anglican Church, guarding against heresy for the youth and adult fellowship at Queenstown Methodist Church, and biblical wisdom in the AI era at Bukit Batok Providence Presbyterian Church. He also spoke at a combined pastoral and leadership retreat on the future of the church at Providence Presbyterian Church and gave a theological lecture on AI at Singapore Life Church and a biblical theology lecture on church unity, liturgy, and mission at Glory Presbyterian Church.

15 years / 年资15: Rev. Dr. Clement Chia 谢木水牧师/博士 (Principal 院长)

5 years / 年资5: Dr. Richard Ong 王春发博士 (Assistant Director, Centre for Servant Leaders, English Section 仆人领袖中心英文部助理主任); Ms. Sim Hwee Ping 沈惠萍同工 (Manager, Haven Counselling Centre 避风港辅导中心经理); Ms. Lisa Yin Li 殷立同工 (Executive, Academic Admin Dept 教务行政处执行员); Mr. Liew Chong Heng 廖崇兴同工 (Canteen Cook 餐厅厨师)

Dr. Calvin Chong addressed the topic “A Conversation on Church Stagnation and Evangelism” at the English Presbytery Exco Retreat held at Katong Presbyterian Church. He also spoke on the topic “Lessons from Ancient Israel” at a Wesley Methodist Church mid-week teaching session.

Dr. Kwa Kiem Kiok attended the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Seoul, South Korea. This is a global gathering of people involved in missions to see how we can work together for the Great Commission.

Rev. Dr. Samuel Law participated in the ECLAS (Equipping Christian Leaders in an Age of Science) Regional Hub Directors Meeting at Durham University, UK. He was also the keynote speaker on “Cultivating A Christian Mind” for the FES Singapore Faith and Academics Conference held at SBC.

Dr. Jean Luah presented a paper entitled “Hermeneutics of Scripture” at the SBC Scripture and Preaching conference.

梁以利亚老师在雅加达两间教会有讲道服事; 在新加坡两间教会教导“哥林多前书”措在一间教会教导近代伦理课题,以及在新神讲座主讲“人的智慧与圣经”。



吴仲诚老师于印尼楠榜基督教三一堂主讲圣经神学讲座“基督再来的预言之事件与时间”和牧者讲座“如何预备旧约叙事文讲道”; 并于Impact Magazine(10月ㄓ11月期)发表文章〈AI: The Promethean Dilemma of the 21st Century?〉。




Ps. Joshua Chang conducted a special worship seminar at Thai Baptist Theological Seminary and the SCM Carols Festival along with all of the SCM faculty. He was also the worship leader at the Johor Hymn Festival.

Dr. Eudenice V. Palaruan was the Singapore Symphony Chorus choral director for three major concerts: with the Singapore? Symphony Orchestra and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Chorus at the Esplanade; “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Victoria Concert Hall (VCH); the Halloween programme at the VCH. He was also the SBC Vox choral director at the SCM Carols Festival and was invited to lead workshops for or speak to the Wesley Methodist Church Dawnbreakers choir, Covenant Community Methodist Church choir, Filipino Voice Symphony, and Methodist School of Music Worship Symposium.


Mrs. Penny Quek gave a talk on “Navigating Sensitive Topics: Conversations about Suicide with Your Child” organized by the Church of Our Saviour Counselling Ministry in light of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Income 收入
01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024 S$ 2,311,033*
Expenditure 支出
01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024 S$ 1,481,913
Surplus for the quarter
S$ 829,120

*We are thankful to God and the donor for a $1 million donation, which will help cover last year’s financial loss due to a drop in donations.
