Templeton Grant on Christian Character and Spiritual Formation Awarded to SBC

SBC was awarded a Templeton follow-up subgrant from the John Templeton Foundation in the amount of US$65,000 (approximately S$88,000) to collaborate with Dr. David Wang of Fuller Theological Seminary. The original US$1.9 million grant had been awarded to a team led by Dr. Wang when he was at Biola University. They explored the impact of theological education on the spiritual and character development of theology students.

Their study stemmed from an issue described as follows by Dr. Wang’s co-investigator, Dr. Steve Porter: “Although the spiritual vitality and maturity of future Christian leaders remains at the very heart and mission of theological education, seminaries find it difficult to accurately discern the extent to which they are fulfilling this vital part of their mission.” Supported by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the US and Canada, for over three years (2019–2022), the study followed 1,500 students from 18 theological institutions, including Biola University, Talbot School of Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, University of Notre Dame, and Princeton Theological Seminary.

Dr. Wang, a former adjunct lecturer at SBC’s School of Counseling, visited us in July 2022 to present his research findings. He has invited the College to replicate the study in order to better understand the cultural impact and differences associated with spiritual and character development. Additionally, in preparation for a larger, global study, SBC will also explore cultural definitions of Christian virtue and maturity in the Asian context.

Dr. Samuel Law (primary investigator), Dr. Chu Mei Chuan, and Dr. Jerry Hwang will serve as the research team for SBC. To explore the understanding of Christian spiritual and character formation in the Asian context, the funds will support faculty sabbaticals, scholarships for SBC’s PhD students who are willing to serve as research assistants for the study, and for theological consultations and seminars through SBC’s Helix Centre for Integrative Research and Advancement. An upcoming funded event will be a theological consultation in the second half of 2023 to explore the role of honour and shame in Christian character formation in Asian contexts.



On the John Templeton Foundation:

On the grant awarded to Biola University:

On SBC’s new PhD programmes:

On the Helix Centre for Integrative Research and Advancement:

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