And in His Temple All Cry, “Glory!”




The sounds of destruction?

Calamity after calamity—powerful visual and auditory scenes of destruction are presented by David in Psalm 29. Mighty storms and dangerous floods (v. 3), toppling trees (v. 5) and strong earthquakes (v. 6), flashing lightning (v. 7) and barren forest (v. 9)—the calamity is extensive and no place is spared.?

With the sweep of a strong wave, precious lives and livelihoods could be lost. With the felling of huge trees, pride and wealth could be destroyed. With the trembling of the earth, lifetime investments and crops could be gone. With gusts of wind, what was once beautiful could now be chaos and riches could now be trash.

Imagine the cries that would follow the thunder and lightning. Hear the eerie silence that accompanies disbelief over such devastation. Listen to the wails of those who mourn. See the looks of anger, regret, disbelief, fear, and despair that reflect the confusion and hopelessness of hearts and minds.?

The cry of “Glory!”?

In the midst of such devastation comes an unexpected phrase:?

And in his temple all cry, “Glory!” (v. 9 ESV)

“Glory!”—because, above the sounds of destruction and wails of grief, there are people who hear “the voice of the LORD” (mentioned seven times in vv. 3–9); a voice that is “powerful” and “full of majesty” (v. 4). “Glory”—because they see that “the LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD sits enthroned as king forever” (v. 10). Even though everything looks out of control, the sovereign God is in full control!?

And in his temple all cry, “Glory!”—for these people, by being “in his temple” are in the very presence of “the LORD” (the capital letters tell us this refers to “Yahweh”, the personal name of God in Hebrew; it is mentioned 18 times in this psalm). “Glory”—for God gives strength to his people and blesses them with peace (v. 11). ?

The God whose powerful voice can bring thunder, lightning, earthquakes, and ruin is the same God whose gentle voice whispers his blessing of strength, peace, provision, and presence into the turbulent hearts of those who draw near him. His voice transforms chaos to beauty, lifelessness to life, formlessness to order, darkness to light, destruction to renewal.?

The call to worship?

Real life is not easy. All kinds of storms and earthquakes will overwhelm us. Fears for today and hopelessness for tomorrow often grip our hearts and minds. But let us remember: the LORD is with us. He is calling us to look beyond the crisis to see him. He is inviting us to be in his presence, and give up attempting to control our lives to trusting in his full control. And as we turn our eyes upon him, we know that “all the things on earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”



For Reflection

Are you struggling with a storm in your life? Reread Psalm 29 reflectively. List the ways you are experiencing God, even in this difficult time. Reflect on the words of some songs, such as “Be Still, My Soul,” “He Will Hold Me Fast”, and “He Giveth More Grace”. ?
