Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The Lord knows the way of the righteous and he shall be a lamp unto your feet. As you go forth, be faithful to his call. Persist in making Christ the glory and hope of your life and ministry, and he will give you a front-row seat to see him work.
Dean, School of Theology (English)
Congratulations to our SCM graduates! As God grants you the blessings of knowing him more and pointing others to him, remember: walk with God, work with God, and watch what God is doing in, around, and through you. May your daily prayer be: “Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, still be my vision, O Ruler of all!”
Interim Dean, School of Church Music
Congratulations on graduating and embarking on a journey of helping and serving others! As the world rapidly changes, so too does the landscape of mental health. Let us encourage one another to remain humble in our pursuit of professional competency and steadfast in our commitment to follow God, shining his light and spreading his love wherever we may be!
Dr. Chu Mei Chuan
Dean, School of Counselling
Dr. Chu Mei Chuan
We have been blessed to have you as part of our community these few years and rejoice with you in completing your journey at SBC. As you embark on a new chapter in life, may the Lord bless you ever more richly with his love and daily grace. We look forward to the times when our path will cross again!
Rev. Dr. Samuel Law
As you graduate from your training at SBC, may your faithful service to the Lord spring from your love for Christ, bearing fruits for his glory!
Dr. Lee Chee Chiew
副院长 · 教务部
副院长 · 教务部
Congratulations, graduates! As you begin the next chapter of your journey to shine as beacons of light, sharing the teachings of Christ and fellowshipping with God’s people, may the cherished memories and experiences gained through the community life in SBC strengthen and support you. May God’s grace and love be your constant companion and guide in all your endeavours.
副院长 · 学务部
副院长 · 学务部
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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