2022年5月至7月? |??建立教会 接连世界??| ?季刊?
“The road will be tough, and you will be hesitant to walk on this road. But I will be with you.” This was God’s message to me when he called me to serve him. I obeyed and came to SBC.
My experience in SBC was indeed tough. I struggled with English because it is not my first language. I needed to make a lot of adaptations, as I had never lived outside of Thailand. However, through ever-loving and understanding lecturers, supportive friends, and others who have helped me feel at home, I know that God has truly been with me on this tough but rewarding ride. I had never imagined studying overseas could be possible due to my many limitations, but when God calls, he provides.
I was at a low point in my spiritual life when I came to SBC. God has been amazing as he healed me through the truth I learnt from my studies, the encouragement and sharing of lives by my classmates, and the love shown by my lecturers. I am leaving SBC as a different person; God restored my first love for him. I rediscovered the joy of knowing my Lord Jesus Christ, having childlike innocence and delight in is presence.
I will remember all my friends in SBC. Their striving to do their very best for Jesus Christ spurs me on to also rely on God for all my needs and future. Now, let us go to the world and share the good news of God’s love.
SBC has been one of the most unexpected and unplanned of the twists and turns in my life. I was exhausted and broken, stained with tears. I had a strong belief that God put me in the wrong place. However, God promised during the first chapel at orientation, “I will rest you.” I complained that it didn’t make sense! But Scripture continued: “I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace” (from The Message paraphrase of Matt 11:28–30). My SBC journey has been all about learning how to walk and work with him according to his new rhythms.
To the teachers and friends who made me heal and come this far, and helped me realign back to God’s calling—thank you for journeying with me.
There have been so many expected and unexpected moments in my journey at SBC. I had believed that counselling was just for those who are broken and in need, but not for me. Gradually, I realized the need for counselling and was aware of many things about myself that could stray from a healthy life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am grateful that God has moulded me by this journey.
Coming to SBC meant leaving my comfort zone and resulted in reinforcing my faith. God answered my worries and fears through his promise that “I will go before you” (Isa 45:2). Now, at the end of my studies, God reminds me of his goodness with Deuteronomy 1:31: “… you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”
「你被录取了! ”当我收到来自新神的录取邮件时,真是又惊又喜。
过去四年的神学学习生涯,让我的人生经历了一次全面的重“新”开始:重新认识自己、重新认识信徒、重新认识身边的每一个人、重新学习凭信心度过学习的生涯。神学训练不单开阔我的视野,也有助于厘清神学上的不同观点;与此同时,我的圣经知识也得以提升……。但最重要的,神学教育训练我做一个合乎中道的上帝的仆人。因此,“谦卑学习,放下自我 ”是我一生的属灵操练,也是我在学院不断学习的品格。感谢上帝,我已经不再对祂说:“我可以为您做什么? ”而是说:“仆人在这,请主使用!”
倘若你问我在新神学习有哪件难忘的事?最让我难忘的,恐怕就是我修读圣乐学士第三年被诊断患上脑癌。这突如其来的消息对我造成极大的打击,但我要为病发的“时间”献上感恩。第一,由于癌症发现得早,因此没有生命危险。第二,我的病是在新冠病毒还没有在新加坡肆虐之前发现的。在手术前的几个月,我一直在挣扎。最后经与系主任和一些长辈商量之后,决定休学一个学期去接受治疗。治疗期间,我得到整个新神大家庭的关心与鼓励。时至今天,我仍然收到来自世界各地新神校友的问候、关心、代祷与鼓励。在新神建立的情谊真是终生的。休学期间,我回到了荷兰的家,由父母悉心照顾。这是一个艰难的决定,但在支持我的新神大家庭和教会大家庭的帮助之下,我作出这决定。事实上,就算在我回到新神复课后,这两个大家庭仍然一直支持着我。他们是我在治疗期间得以勇敢前进,以及在 2021 年 1 月迅速回新神继续学习的动力。感谢主,如此的爱,只能来自上帝。
We organized four meet-ups with alumni via Zoom. The numbers were not large but the ones who attended had a wonderful time of recounting memorable stories of their time at SBC. Four prayer meetings were also organized to intercede for different countries in the world, uniting the hearts of alumni as they interceded for the nations. Our first combined Homecoming Day, representing all the schools, was in September. There was a good turnout from all the schools and a blessed time of testimonies and updates. We are planning to meet with the graduating students in order to pray for them during their time of transition.
31 August–2 September 2021
This year’s theme was “Workers for His Harvest Fields.” Rev. Canon Yee Ching Wah, who is Director of Missions for the Anglican Diocese of Singapore and Dean of Thailand, led a study on Matthew 9:35–38. While the world has settled into a ‘new normal’ of limited interactions where it is easy to stay apart, his messages encouraged us to pray for the authorities and called us to step across cultural and generational barriers to reach all the lost. At the International Fair, to observe safety restrictions, the Student Mission Fellowship shepherded guests through cultural displays set up in Block 1’s classrooms.
At International Night, students from the various countries represented at SBC shared their great needs, with messages from several familiar alumni who answered the call to go out to the harvest. May we compassionately and authoritatively step into the ever-changing harvest fields.
Petros Lok Kee Yeung
18–20 November 2021
Based on the theme, “Shepherds of Substance”, the conference organized by the Centre for Servant Leaders ministered to the needs of pastors and ministry staff. Our speaker, Ps. Benny Ho, spoke via Zoom on six critical areas of the work of pastors—on their roles as shepherd, preacher, and leader, and also on their Sabbath, finishing well, and their brokenness. His messages in the morning were well received and many were richly blessed by his insights from Scripture and the sharing of his experiences as a pastor.
In the afternoon, participants could choose to attend four out of twelve workshops that covered the whole gamut of ministry. We thank God for the 82 attendees who went home feeling blessed and renewed to continue their ministries wherever God has planted them.
Dr. Richard Ong (Ps)
21–26 February 2022
Since 2012, this annual event has functioned as an open house where School of Counselling (SOC) lecturers and some invited speakers open their classes and sessions to the public as a blessing. This year, SOC English (SOCE) and Chinese (SOCC) delivered 22 webinars (13 and nine, respectively), serving tens of thousands of viewers from some 32 countries on Zoom and YouTube with the overall theme of mental health. The SOCE sessions had an average of more than 1,500 attendees per session. This is the first participation of SOCC, which commenced in July 2021 but already saw an average of more than 300 attendees per session.
“Light Beyond Shadows” in September 2021 was the first online Hymn Reflection and presented songs by the SBC Canticorum and testimonies from alumni and friends. More than 5,000 viewers have since been ministered by the video at https://bit.ly/3iIUWyI. In October, ten students graduated with a Master of Ministry in Choral Leadership or Ministry Leadership from the joint extension programme with Bandung Theology Seminary, Indonesia.
In January 2022, our new Master of Ministry in Music and Worship Leadership was introduced to 40 potential students. In February, a Choral Anthem Reading session saw over 100 attendees, who explored choral pieces for their musical mastery and theological treasures. “More Than a Song” in March was the first in-person Canticorum service since the pandemic began and provided musical and devotional insights into the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.
SCM remains thankful to see the Lord at work in our students toward maturity in Christ and humility in service, and to serve not just students but churches, alumni, and friends across Asia.
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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Income 收入 | |
01/01/2022–31/03/2022 | S$1,413,388 |
Expenditure 支出 | |
01/01/2022–31/03/2022 | S$1,246,322 |
Surplus 盈余 | S$ 167,066 |
Accumulated Surplus 累计盈余 01/07/2020–31/03/2022 |
S$ 130,800 |