谢木水牧师 / 博士 在新加坡、马来西亚及印度尼西亚十三间教会讲道,并在新加坡长老会恩泽堂培训课程主讲四堂《公共神学》。他分别参与亚洲神学协会与新加坡福音联盟的策略研讨会。?
黄正义牧师/博士 had an article entitled “Bible Translation as Contextual Theology: The Case of the Chinese Union Version Bible of 1919” published in the International Journal of Asian Christianity 5 (2022): 89–114.
庄秉俊博士 led three community arts outreaches by HeathServe at a migrant dormitory. He also delivered a guest online lecture on the topic “Explosion of Information and Technology and Its Impact on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships” for the Everett Theological Institute in Kathmandu, Nepal.? ?
何智耘博士 gave two lectures on the Servant Songs in the Book of Isaiah at the Lent Adult Bible Study Series of Logos Christian Church. ? ?
卢家正牧师/博士 presented on “Contextualization of Theological Formation in Southeast Asia” at the Lausanne Southeast Asia Regional Forum (video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnNKL06mok). He was also a respondent on a Fuller Seminary panel on “Applications of Cognitive Science in Missiology” at the American Society of Missiology’s Annual Meeting.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Spurgeon contributed “The Letters to the Thessalonians” to An Introduction to the New Testament, edited by Johnson Thomaskutty (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2022).
陈恩慧老师于新加坡证主福音协会、真理文字中心与生命树媒体联合举办的基督教教育论坛中主讲“教导那能忠心教导别人的人 ”;在新加坡生命堂安提阿团契主讲“从男女有别看两性相处之道”;并于新生命浸信会母亲节主日证道。
李志秋老师应邀在英国牛津大学的新约博士研讨会中发表研究,以及在美国Langham Partnership的聚会中分享其在华文神学教育方面的事工。她与英文神学系学生Yutaro Kato和另一牧师Eugene Low 合著了“For His Pleasure and His Glory” Impact Magazine 46.2 (2022): 24–27.
张心玮老师于女皇镇浸信会基督教教育讲座主讲“从约书亚记看作主门徒”; 在新加坡基督教教育论坛线上带领“如何正确面对同性恋”工作坊;并为环球传播录制创世记灵修节目。
叶慕灵博士 was the speaker at Sumi Baptist Church’s Theological Students Fellowship in Nagaland. She also gave a talk on the development of worship in the Bible to the Maitrichit Baptist Church in Thailand.
叶慕灵博士 and 蔡伟玮博士 led a multi-sensory Good Friday service at Bethany Evangelical Free Church.?
张国信老师在加州真道神学院线上教授“更美的音乐敬拜带领”;于创启地区一网络神学院教导“更美的教会崇拜与音乐”;并在世界华人圣乐大会带领 “现代传统面面谈,现代传统漫漫唱”工作坊。
廖翠苹老师 ministered at the Sisters Prayer Ministry of Yio Chu Kang Chapel with a seminar on “Healing Broken Relationships”. She also gave a talk on “Parenting with a Christian Perspective” to the Sunday school parents at International Evangelical Church, Singapore.
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