谢木水牧师 / 博士 在新加坡的十五间教会讲道,并在马来西亚新山长老会圣光堂主讲领袖训练会。他参与海外基督使团举办的神学教育谘询会议,以及亚洲神学协会在马来西亚槟城举办的三年一次的神学研讨大会。
叶徐全贞姐妹 已于7月25日早上回返天家,在世享年97岁。徐姐妹是本院荣休讲师陈方牧师的岳母,于1988年与本院前院长叶恩汉牧师(1995年息劳)结为连理。她一生忠心事奉主,是尽忠职守的护士直到退休,亦在新加坡怀恩堂担任主日学教师直到90岁高龄。
25 years/年资25年:
Mr. Lang Ren Shee David 蓝仁齐老师(Associate Professor, SOTE 英文神学系副教授)
10 years/年资10年:
Mr. Woon Yew Meng Daniel 温耀明同工(Senior Executive, Estate Dept 产业处高级执行员)
5 years/年资5年:
Dr. Ho Chee Wun Peter 何智耘老師(Associate Professor, SOTE 英文神學系副教授);
Ms. Hoon Li Ann 洪丽安同工 (Executive, Academic Admin Dept 教务行政处执行员);
Ms. Li Kim Hong 黎金凤同工 (Executive, Academic Admin Dept 教务行政处执行员);
Mr. Pang Tin Siong 彭定雄同工 (Senior Director, Infotech Services 资讯部部长);
Ms. Tsai Ying Ching Lydia 蔡英青同工 (Executive, Library Services 图书馆执行员);
Ms. Wong Choy Yin Dolly 王彩燕同工 (Secretary, Principal’s Office 院长室秘书);
Mr. Yong Teck Hong 杨德汉同工 (Manager, IT Operations Dept 资讯业务处经理)
恭贺圣乐系副教授柏友诗老师于2022年7月29日在St. Paul University Manila College of Music and the Performing Arts获得音乐艺术博士学位。
黄正义牧师/博士 published Jeremiah in vol. 6 of the ESV Expository Commentary (Crossway) and Contextualization and the Old Testament: Between Asian and Western Perspectives (Asia Theological Association/Langham Literature). He also had an article accepted for publication in Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches entitled, “Who Is the Real Model Minority? An Asian American Reading of Ruth and Ebed-Melech in the Hebrew Bible” and available at https://www.doi.org/10.1163/15685152-20221683.
卢家正牧师/博士 was the Mission Conference speaker for Logos Christian Church, spoke on “Thinking Theologically in Context” at the Lausanne Movement’s Asia 2022 Congress in Bangkok, and published Missions in Southeast Asia: Unity and Diversity in God’s Mission (Cambridge: ATA-Langham), co-edited with Dr. Kwa Kiem Kiok.
The SCM faculty served as speakers and facilitators in the SBC Selah Webinar Series (Indonesia). They also produced “All Things New: A Hymn Festival”, performed at SBC by the Canticorum under the guest conductor, Dr. Joel Navarro.
叶慕灵博士 preached at Bartley Christian Church.
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