谢木水院长在新加坡及马来西亚十六所教会讲道,并受邀于新加坡圣道基督教会主讲五堂“福音、基督与文化”大斋期神学讲座,并担任两家教会生活营的讲员。他也在本院的仆人领袖中心教导十六堂“建立教会的门徒”;为哈该国际领袖课程(中文)、柔佛麻坡三一堂及新加坡长老会伯大尼堂提供领导训练;并于圣公会圣光堂发表“林语堂的大光启示”、GoForth 2023发表“接待的宣教神学”及华福区域研讨会发表“福音的本质”。
本院怀着向神感恩的心,恭贺进深研究所荣获周联华牧师纪念基金会所颁发的2022年优秀神学研究著作奖(佳作奖)及 2022年优良硕士学位论文奖(优等奖)。有关详情,请参阅https://swiy.co/Ecch 。
Dr. Peter Ho contributed “The Macrostructural Design and Logic of the Psalter: An Unfurling of the Davidic Covenant” in Reading the Psalms Theologically, Studies in Scripture and Biblical Theology, edited by David M. Howard Jr. and Andrew J. Schmutzer (Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2023).
Rev. Dr. Chang Chian Hui was the key speaker for the two-day Marriage Retreat, “Cherish Each Other”, organized by Hope and Katong Presbyterian Churches.
Rev. Dr. Jerry Hwang published “From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings in Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians” in Journal of Global Christianity 8 (2023), available online at https://swiy.co/EX3M. He was also interviewed about his book, Contextualization and the Old Testament, for the OnScript podcast (English) available at https://swiy.co/EX3P and the Missional Discipleship podcast (Chinese) available via https://linktr.ee/missionaldiscipleship. Finally, he conducted a training session on contextualization for the Francophone missiology network of Europe (REMEEF).
Rev. Dr. Samuel Law presented on “Postpandemic Church on Mission” at the GoForth 2023 Symposium, gave a Sunday School series on “Engaging the Religious: Bridges and Barriers” for Queenstown Baptist Church, and served as a mentor at Arise Asia 2023 Youth Missions Conference in Bangkok. He was interviewed for the Missional Discipleship podcast as well.
Dr. Justin Lee released a patristics monograph based on his doctoral dissertation, Origen and the Holy Spirit (G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2023), and a journal article titled “Theology as Story: Reenvisioning the Task and Form of Theology in Asia with C. S. Song” in Practical Theology (2023). He also delivered a five-part lecture series on “Gospel, Christ, and Culture” for Logos Christian Church.
李志秋老师于英国剑桥全球基督教研究中心(Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide)发表了 〈“出来吧!”:亚洲基督徒于其处境中对启示录17~18章的宣教使命解读〉。
张心玮老师为Global Outreach 网络广播主讲创世记灵修信息;于新山迦拿基督教会带领士师记研经“尊祂为王:祂永不失败”;并在长老会恩泽堂武吉巴督聚会青成主日学进深班教导“整装待发:申命记”。
Dr. Myrleene Yap preached at International Evangelical Church Singapore.
Dr. Virginia Tsai and Dr. Yap spoke at a church music retreat for key music leaders of a tribe in Nagaland, India.
The SCM Faculty were the speakers at the three-day Selah Retreat in Bangkok. This event was co-organized by SBC, the Church Music Association (Thailand), and Wattana Church.
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