嘉声 289


2024年5月至7月? |??建立教会 接连世界??| ?季刊?




谢木水牧师 / 博士





From Our Graduands
Testimonials from Our Graduands

Graduands of 2024

SBC Graduates of 2024 reflect on their transformative journeys, highlighting the substantial growth in faith and knowledge experienced during their time at SBC.





谢木水牧师 / 博士




谢木水牧师 / 博士 在十三所本地教会和四所海外教会讲道。他应邀主讲新加坡播道会(EFCS)牧者领袖团契专题、新加坡圣公会举办的2024新移民事工研讨会,以及在巴塞隆纳举行的第十二届国际欧华神学院(ICBSIE)毕业典礼。此外,他受邀在加拿大葛培理布道协会的华人布道大会上演讲,主题为“向后现代新生代传福音”,并在新加坡本地的华文浸信会牧者团契上分享有关生成式人工智能的神学反思。他还参加了由灵风讲道事工举办的讲道训练工作坊。

何智耘博士 had a paper entitled “The Successful Life: Comparing the Opening Chapters of the Psalms and the Qur’an,” published in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 33.2 (2023): 203–20, and a book review on David Firth and Brittany Melton eds., Reading the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, in Themelios 48.3 (2023): 659–60. He was also invited to speak to a group of tertiary students on lament psalms.

庄秉俊博士 spoke on “Developing a Software Approach to Music-making” at the Methodist TRAC Board of Worship and Music Networking session. His article “Saved but Safe? Abuse in the Singapore Church” was published as an Ethos Institute feature web article: https://ethosinstitute.sg/articles/feature/.

李东俊博士 had an article entitled “The Mission and People of God: Rethinking Theology and Theological Methodology in Asia” published in Missiology: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/mis. He gave a special lecture at the National University of Singapore on the topic of contextualization. He also taught a three-part series on Eschatology at Bartley Christian Church.

赖琪贞博士 was one of two speakers invited to speak on the topic, “When Bible study is not enough: Discipling Oral Learners Through Embodied Practice” at the Singapore Centre for Global Missions 2024 Missions Conversations, “Regearing for Missions in the Decade Ahead”. She shared from the perspective of a theologian about biblical and historical church discipleship practices beyond a text-study mode.




吴仲诚老师于雅加达Abba Love教会担任讲座和退修会讲员。


叶慕灵博士 spoke at International Evangelical Church (GII Hok Im Tong Singapore). She also gave a worship seminar at The Second Church Samyan in Bangkok.

叶慕灵博士 and 蔡伟玮博士 led a Good Friday service at Mount Carmel Bible-Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Joshua Chang was the speaker and facilitator at a Sunday School seminar on “Another Look on Worship 重看崇拜” for Bethany Presbyterian Church. He was the choir and vocal coach for the JB Chorale (Malaysia) Youth Choir Camp 灵悟唱行. He was also the service planning and worship leader for a dedication service at Myo Sae Centre in Bangkok.



As an international student in her first semester at SBC, I had a lot of uncertainty, and I was feeling so lonely. The College Retreat at Changi Cove at the start of the academic year gave me a chance to get to know a lot of students from different schools. I felt like I was not alone and that I was part of this community. A student from SCM was my roommate; her testimony was so inspirational. Through a group fellowship, I began to learn how to arrange my time and cope with cultural differences. Another highlight was the planned time with God. It was precious to me; through the devotion, God reminded me of his faithfulness and encouragement through his presence. It was preparation for a great journey ahead.

Badamtsetseg Batkhuu

This year’s Maak Hay Chun Mission Challenge Month consisted of two parts. In the first two weeks, we celebrated the diversity of culture in SBC. Students from different countries presented their cultures through ethnic customs, food, games, music, and other performances. In the last two weeks, we reflected on and responded to God’s mission through sermons and interactions with missions agencies. One memorable moment was during Dr. Christopher Flanders’s sermon. Preaching from Luke 5:27–32 on Jesus and the tax collectors, he challenged us to work hard to make people—those we might have labelled as “sinners” and “atheists”—feel at ease with us, because they too are made in the image of God. As I celebrated SBC’s cultural diversity and reflected on the mission of God, I found myself yearning for his kingdom to be fully established in every culture of the world.

Lee Fan?

What should be the main role of a leader in a church, missions, or parachurch organization? At this event, Pastor Benny Ho distilled the role of a leader into three critical roles: Vision Communicator, Culture Builder, and Conflict Manager. Pastor Benny strikingly defined vision as “a picture of a preferred future that produces passion in people”. He emphasized that a leader must communicate this preferred future in a compelling and unifying way. Time was set aside for small group discussions on the questions and challenges faced by participants, who comprised alumni, pastors, church leaders, and our current students.

Dr. Richard Ong

Lecturers shared insights on a variety of counselling issues at this annual event. “Confidentiality in Counselling” considered the challenges of navigating dual roles in church. “Gender Differences in Marital Counselling” highlighted the importance of gender’s impact on communication and intimacy. “Strategies in Working with Children” emphasized art as a medium to create a safe healing space for children. “Understanding Bipolar Disorder” explored effective interventions for extreme mood changes. “Complex Trauma” presented effects of trauma and how counselling can help heal negative experiences. Dr. Eric Dooley challenged counsellors’ motivation to become vessels of healing—whether this is coming from an anxious need or a genuine desire to help. Good intentions are insufficient, but we need God’s calling to empower us for his healing work.

Kay Belaniso

This annual gathering was hosted by Trinity Theological College this year and saw students and staff from five seminaries—SBC, TTC, Baptist Theological Seminary, East Asia School of Theology, and Discipleship Training Centre—competing in athletic events like captain’s ball, telematch, frisbee, 5-km run, table tennis, and football. Brains, skills, reflexes, and agility were also contested in e-games, cooking, chess, and the Bible quiz. The teamwork and sportsmanship of our teams were evident as the games were played, supported by the cheerleading contingents. The day ended on a high note at the closing ceremony, with cheers and praises as SBC emerged as winners in most of the events. However, for everyone, the biggest prize was the opportunity to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ from other seminaries.

Cai Chengji

SCM celebrated 40 years of God’s grace by serving leaders from over ten countries through events in Aug–Sep 2023: (1) Music theory education seminar and songwriting workshop by Mr. A. J. Villanueva; (2) Asian SCM Leaders Dialogue, where Dr. Joel Navarro’s “At the Crossroads: Crafting a Collective Ethos for Asian Church Music Schools” set the stage for future collaborations; (3) SCM Alumni Homecoming; (4) Selah Retreat on “Walk, Work, Watch” (Matt 11:28–30), where Dr. Samuel Law and 25 speakers at breakout sessions addressed leadership, emotional health, and spiritual issues encountered by music and worship leaders; (5) online publication of 18 free-to-copy original congregational songs by SCM faculty, students, and alumni; and (6) SBC Canticorum’s “Beyond Praising” hymn festival to celebrate God through choral and congregational songs and global instruments.

Continuing SCM’s ministry beyond the campus, in Nov 2023, the faculty visited Northeast India to connect with alumni and key leaders. In May and Jun 2024, SCM will hold Selah Retreats in Kohima and Dimapur in Nagaland, India, as well as Bangkok. “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Ps 67:7 NIV).



这次退修会的主题是“同心同行出发”,以共同的信念和更新得力的生命来开始新的学年。当天下午四时开营礼按时举行,在轻松愉快的游戏环节中,不同学系的师生们得以熟识。晚餐后进行了话题分享,在弟兄姐妹的经历中看到了上帝的奇妙作为,备受激励。第二天的静修时段,在海边的木栈道上边散步边默想神的话语不失为一段“与主有约”的美妙时光。静修结束后,与老师在课堂外的聊天也受益良多。 退修会虽短暂,但丰富而充实,为新学期加满了力!

2024年2月新神开展了培灵月活动,活动分三次进行,分别是2月15、22和29日,旨在塑造新神群体跟随基督的生命。 2月15日,上午10点半全院师生齐聚四楼崇拜厅,一起来敬拜神。华文神学系系主任梁以利亚牧师博士为此次的聚会证道。梁主任以基督的谦卑来勉励会众谦卑向神,因是神的旨意就安然信靠。








讲员的信息也给了我们很大的鼓励和提醒,Dr Christopher提醒我们像耶稣一样进入被世人轻看的人中,与他们一同坐席;Dr Havilah则鼓励我们效法耶稣,敏锐他人的需要,让我所拥有的成为他人的祝福。



Income 收入
01/01/2024 – 31/03/2024 S$1,271,566
Expenditure 支出
01/01/2024 – 31/03/2024 S$1,408,216
Deficit for the quarter 本季不敷 S$ 136,650
Financial Year 2024 Deficit (Unaudited) (01/07/2023–31/03/2024)
2024 财政年不敷 (未经审计)
S$ 697,298