感恩学院提供机会让我们在假期期间到尼泊尔的坎徳巴里短宣。尼泊尔虽然拥有信仰自由,但高达八成的居民主要信奉印度教,基督徒比例不超过1.8%。在这18天的行程中,11位同学同心合意、彼此扶持,我们共同经历神恩典的奇妙。谢木水牧师 / 博士 于十二所本地教会和四所海外教会讲道,其中有四次是新神主日。他应邀主讲多个研讨会和讲座,包括:为海外同工主讲关于教务管理的属灵操练,在西马吉隆坡长老会原道堂蒲种教会主讲人工智能与信仰的关系,在新加坡圣公会真光堂生命德泽学堂主讲新加坡老年学,在卫理公会女皇镇礼拜堂为青成团契主讲防范异端的讲座,在长老会恩泽堂武吉巴督聚会培训部分享人工智能时代的圣经智慧;他还在长老会恩泽堂联合教牧长执同工营探讨教会的未来,在新加坡生命堂主讲人工智能神学讲座,并在长老会荣耀堂主讲关于教会合一、礼仪和宣教的圣经神学讲座。
15 years / 年资15年: 谢木水牧师 / 博士 谢木水牧师/博士 (Principal 院长)
庄秉俊博士 addressed the topic “A Conversation on Church Stagnation and Evangelism” at the English Presbytery Exco Retreat held at Katong Presbyterian Church. He also spoke on the topic “Lessons from Ancient Israel” at a Wesley Methodist Church mid-week teaching session.
柯金菊博士 attended the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Seoul, South Korea. This is a global gathering of people involved in missions to see how we can work together for the Great Commission.
卢家正牧师/博士 participated in the ECLAS (Equipping Christian Leaders in an Age of Science) Regional Hub Directors Meeting at Durham University, UK. He was also the keynote speaker on “Cultivating A Christian Mind” for the FES Singapore Faith and Academics Conference held at SBC.
赖琪贞博士 presented a paper entitled “Hermeneutics of Scripture” at the SBC Scripture and Preaching conference.
梁以利亚老师在雅加达两间教会有讲道服事; 在新加坡两间教会教导“哥林多前书”措在一间教会教导近代伦理课题,以及在新神讲座主讲“人的智慧与圣经”。
吴仲诚老师于印尼楠榜基督教三一堂主讲圣经神学讲座“基督再来的预言之事件与时间”和牧者讲座“如何预备旧约叙事文讲道”; 并于Impact Magazine(10月ㄓ11月期)发表文章〈AI: The Promethean Dilemma of the 21st Century?〉。
张国信老师 conducted a special worship seminar at Thai Baptist Theological Seminary and the SCM Carols Festival along with all of the SCM faculty. He was also the worship leader at the Johor Hymn Festival.
柏友诗博士 was the Singapore Symphony Chorus choral director for three major concerts: with the Singapore? Symphony Orchestra and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Chorus at the Esplanade; “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Victoria Concert Hall (VCH); the Halloween programme at the VCH. He was also the SBC Vox choral director at the SCM Carols Festival and was invited to lead workshops for or speak to the Wesley Methodist Church Dawnbreakers choir, Covenant Community Methodist Church choir, Filipino Voice Symphony, and Methodist School of Music Worship Symposium.
廖翠苹老师 gave a talk on “Navigating Sensitive Topics: Conversations about Suicide with Your Child” organized by the Church of Our Saviour Counselling Ministry in light of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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Nov 2024–Jan 2025 | Quarterly Dispatches
Income 收入 | |
01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024 | S$ 2,311,033* |
Expenditure 支出 | |
01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024 | S$ 1,481,913 |
Surplus for the quarter 本季盈余 |
S$ 829,120 |
*We are thankful to God and the donor for a $1 million donation, which will help cover last year’s financial loss due to a drop in donations.