从小缺乏父爱的我,是家中最小且唯一的基督徒,从进入大学决定过稳定的教会生活开始,我的生命有了深刻的改变,因为我遇到了一对非常关爱我的牧者夫妻,他们成为我属灵生命的父母,帮助我建立信仰的根基,成为我生命的榜样,奠定了我对关...谢木水牧师 / 博士 preached at eight local churches and two overseas churches, spoke at S-Word EFC’s church camp on “Renewed Ministry”, and delivered four lectures on “Philosophical and Theological Reflections on AI and the Metaverse” at Malaysia Bible Seminary. He also hosted the Asia Evangelical Fellowship International book launch of The Asianisation of Christianity: New Models for Mission edited by Jonathan D. James. He participated in the Chinese Hakka Evangelical Association board meeting and the Asia Theological Association board meeting. He also served as an advisor for the Singapore Chinese Joint Missions.
柯金菊博士 is appointed as Registrar from 1 Dec 2024 to 30 Nov 2025.
陈恩慧牧师/博士 is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jan 2025 to 30 Jun 2025.
李东俊博士 is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jan 2025 to 30 Jun 2025.?
何智耘博士 presented a paper, “How Has Science Changed How We Exegete Genesis 1–3 in the Asian Context,” at the Equipping Christian Leaders in an Age of Science (ECLAS) conference. He also co-led SBC’s biblical tour to Greece and Turkey.? ?
柯金菊博士 served as the convenor for the ATA Visiting Evaluation Team to Phnom Penh Bible School.
卢家正牧师/博士 contributed to a panel on AI for Impact magazine’s article entitled “Can Something So Good Turn Out So Threatening?” and was a panelist for the ECLAS seminar on “Reading Genesis 1–3 in an Age of Science”, where his presentation was entitled, “Scientists as Apologists: Missiological Implications of Genesis 1–3 in the Asian Context”. He also went on a site visit to Sumba, Indonesia with Compassion International.
李东俊博士 gave a paper response and participated in a Q&A for Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church’s “Rethinking Reformation” conference, gave a paper entitled, “The Necessity of Global/Local Depictions of Christ: A Theological Justification” at ATA’s “Sights, Sounds, and Stories” conference in Chiangmai, Thailand, and was a guest speaker for the Fellowship of Evangelical Students SWAT (Studying the Word All Together) camp. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Center for Theological Inquiry in Asia (CTIA) at AGST in the Philippines while on sabbatical.
赖琪贞博士 presented “Reading the Bible in the Scientific Age” at the ECLAS conference. Her paper probed at both the interpretive frameworks of science and of Christian faith and their relationship.
庄秉俊博士, 赖琪贞博士, and 陈静碹老师 contributed to the 2025 Lent devotional published by The Bible Society of Singapore, commissioned by the National Council of Churches of Singapore. Copies are available for order at https://www.biblesociety.sg/spc/lent/.
李志秋老师在中华福音神学院的神硕学术研讨会上,在线发表了专文〈在亚洲处境中探讨新约圣经论面对逼迫〉,英文原著出版于 Exploring the New Testament in Asia (Carlisle: Langham, 2024) 。
吴仲诚老师于BC讲坛线上讲座讲授:“21世纪的普罗米修斯?从智慧神学看人工智能”;并在亚洲神学协会谘询会(ATA Consultation)中发表:“Making Sense of a Text: Story and Visual Biblical Interpretation”。
张心玮老师赴日本横滨华侨基督教会讲道,在新加坡长老会恩泽堂乌节路聚会祷告会主讲降临期反思,并为创启地区神学院教授线上“旧约概论(上)”密集课程。 锺俊明老师随同华文差传团契短宣队赴马来西亚吉隆坡地区短宣。
张国信老师 was a plenary speaker at the ATA meeting in Chiangmai, Thailand. He also served as a singer at the “Resonance of Singapore” Christmas concert and worship leader and soloist at the Christmas Eve service.
柏友诗博士 was also a plenary speaker at the ATA meeting in Chiangmai, Thailand. He served as the guest conductor for the Singapore American School music festival and was the Singapore Symphony Chorus choral director for two major concerts at Raffles Hotel and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra Christmas concert.
王振宇老师 served in the ministries of Christian Bible Church of Las Pi?as, the Philippines, including preaching and worship design for Christmas. He also worked with the local government and shared the gospel to juvenile youth.
廖翠苹老师 gave a talk to youths and their youth leaders from Sion Bedok Church on understanding mental health, skills to support distressed youths, biblical understanding of mental health, and resources and referrals.
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