Do you want to renew your thinking on current issues or update your theological training?
Every semester, SOTE makes a selection of our courses available to alumni and interested individuals without requiring them to be currently enrolled in an SBC programme.
Whether you are our alumni or have not taken any of our postgraduate programmes, you are welcome to register for these electives at the School of Theology English.
To many readers, the Bible is like a huge jigsaw puzzle with small pieces of many shapes and colours. As they cannot figure out what those pieces are about, they examine them in isolation, hoping to find some spiritual insights, moral guidance, wisdom nuggets or even recipes for success. In fact, these are not primarily what the pieces are about. Biblical Theology is tasked to figure out what the pieces mean and put them together so as to present the full picture. Once done, students will find that the Bible has a much richer message to offer than just insights or recipes!
Rev. Dr. Samuel Goh has a BTh and MDiv from Singapore Bible College, ThM from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, US), and PhD from Queen’s University of Belfast (UK). He was in pastoral ministry for ten years before coming to Singapore Bible College in 2003, and taught Old Testament courses in SOTE and SOTC till mid-2019, as he went on to teach Old Testament at Brisbane School of Theology (Australia). He has rejoined the SBC faculty (SOTC) since July 2023. Besides teaching, his passion is research, publication, and preaching.
Hermeneutics is the disciplined study of the everyday skill of human understanding. This course approaches the hermeneutics of Christian Scripture from the angle of a communication model. The first part of the course explores the worlds of the author, the text, and the reader, and their interrelationships. The second part provides hands-on engagement with texts selected from a range of genres in the biblical canon.
Jean K. Luah’s (PhD, Durham, UK) research area is in hermeneutics and interdisciplinary studies. Besides hermeneutics, she also teaches Old Testament Studies (Psalms and Wisdom Literature), Systematic Theology I, and Biblical Greek. She likes reading and studying.
Churches will organically die within 80-100 years without regular revitalization.? This course helps pastors and church leaders develop systems-approach practices to sustain church vitality and help stagnant, dying churches revitalize. The course will be practical with case studies and designed for busy schedules with recorded mini-lectures and bi-weekly live tutorials.
Henry Wong was a Colonel in the SAF before giving up his military career to serve the Lord full time in 2008. He graduated with a MDiv from Trinity Theological College and a Doctor of Ministry from Singapore Bible College. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church. He was previously the Executive Director of Careworks Community Services and was a Director of Care Corner Singapore. He is married to Carol and they have three daughters, Kirstie, Kelda, and Keryn, and one son, Keith.
Samuel Law is the Dean of Advanced Studies and Associate Professor in Intercultural Studies in the School of Theology (English) at Singapore Bible College as well as the Pastor-at-Large for the Evangelical Chinese Church of Seattle. He is a church researcher and consultant with 30 years of pastoral experience from small to large churches. He is married to Esther and they have four adult children, Jeremiah, Josephine, Jason, and Julia
Course Fees*
Credit(s) Course Tuition fee (w/GST): S$523.20 (3 credit units)
Audit Course Tuition fee (w/GST): S$359.70
* Credit course participants can earn credit units that are transferable to our programmes. No credit/s will be awarded for audit class takers.
只有五类别人士可特殊申请成为特别生 :
1月入学 - 申请截止日期 11月1日
7月入学 - 申请截止日期 5月1日
获批的申请人每学期可修读 3 至 6 学分,最多连续 2 个学期。只有本院校友、牧者和宣教士可以随后更新其申请。但后续学期的科目只能旁听,不能修学分。
获批的申请人每学期可修读 3 至 6 学分,最多连续 2 个学期。只有本院校友、牧者和宣教士可以随后更新其申请。但后续学期的科目只能旁听,不能修学分。
For any enquiries, please contact us at
9 – 15 Adam Road
Singapore 289886
电话号码 (+65) 6559 1555
传真号码 (+65) 6559 1550
周一至五: 9:00–17:00
周末/假日: 不办公
午餐时段不办公: 12:00pm–1:00pm
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