February–April 2023? |? Edifying the church & engaging the world? |? Quarterly dispatches
Rev. Dr. Clement Chia preached in ten local churches, shared at the Wanfu Businessmen Fellowship in Indonesia and Jerantut Christian Church, Pahang, Malaysia, and delivered two expository sermons for the Fifth Mission Training Camp by Singapore Chinese Joint Missions. He also presented “Theological Revitalisation in the Light of the Rise of the Global South? A Critical Reflection on Hanyu Theology” at the Fellowship of Theologians, Taiwan.
New Board Member
We welcome The Right Reverend Lu Guan Hoe, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore to serve as a Representative. We look forward to his contribution to the Board.
New Term of Service
We are grateful for the 23 Board members who have committed themselves to serve on the Board of Sponsors for the next term of four years.? ? ?
New Management Committee
We thank God for the nine Board members who have been elected to lead and serve the College as the Board of Directors for four years. Chairman: Prof. Cheong Hee Kiat; Vice Chairman: Elder Arthur Lim; Honorary Treasurer: Elder Jack Hong; Honorary Secretary: Ms. Pauline Ang; Members: Dr. Ernest Chew, Rev. Dr. Patrick Fung, Dr. Philip Lee, Mr. Liew Heng San, and Mrs. Daphne Teo.
Dr. Brian Thomas (Associate Professor, School of Theology English) and Rev. Dr. Lee Soon Guan Joseph (Associate Professor, School of Church Music) ended their service in Nov 2022 after serving faithfully at SBC for eight years and nine years, respectively.
New Faculty
We warmly welcome Dr. Wang Yi-Jye Christy as our School of Theology (Chinese) full-time faculty member from Oct 2022. Dr. Wang graduated from the University of Oxford with a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology.
Rev. Dr. Elijah Liang (Dean, School of Theology Chinese) is on sabbatical leave from 1 Jan to 30 Jun 2023.
Rev. Dr. Jerry Hwang presented two papers at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Denver, Colorado: “Holiness and Chaoskampf in the Book of Job” and “From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings of Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians.”
Dr. Calvin Chong served as a member of the Asia Theological Association’s Visiting Evaluation Team to Bethlehem Bible College.? He also led a ten-day Biblelands tour in Israel.
Dr. Peter Ho presented “SBC’s Whole School Approach to Effective Online Theological Education” at the Institute for Excellence in Christian Leadership Development, Overseas Council, and at the Asia Theological Association’s General Assembly Triennial Conference. He also presented “The Macrostructural Design of the Psalter: An Unfurling of the Davidic Covenant” at the Third International Symposium on Biblical Exegesis, Theophaneia School, Timisoara, Romania.
Dr. Justin Lee had a paper published: “Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and the Interpretation of the Messianic Psalms” in Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity 26, no. 2 (2022): 264–283. The article can be accessed at: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/zac-2022-0021/html.
李志秋老师为英国爱丁堡神学院主讲“以亚洲人的视角阅读新约中对逼迫的论述”,也参与Scholars Leaders所主办的“女性同侪领导论坛”。
Dr. Myrleene Yap was the speaker at the Ladies Ministry Retreat of The People’s Bible Church and the Leaders Retreat of Mount Horeb Bible-Presbyterian Church. She also planned and led the Christmas Worship Service at Davao Evangelical Church, Philippines.
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Feb–Apr 2023 | Quarterly Dispatches
Income 收入 | |
01/10/2022–31/12/2022 | S$1,297,766 |
Expenditure 支出 | |
01/10/2022–31/12/2022 | S$1,702,258 |
Deficit 不敷 | S$ 404,492 |
Accumulated Deficit 累计不敷 | S$ 314,320 |